Steve Scauzillo

It's not easy being green A look at environmental topics from the perspective of environmental reporting.

Friday, June 30, 2006

From The Editor's Desk, Sat July 1: "Putting on a Show"

World Cup
I had some fun with World Cup soccer in my column.... "Putting on a show.'' But I really love the sport. I used to play in high school and I even played with a guy, Sandy Vitello, who was Italian, as in from Italy. He was suberb, needless to say way better than I was.
Recenly, as a Dad, I've watched my two boys play AYSO soccer. Sure, there are some klunker games, but mostly, every game was fun and exciting to watch. I remember my older son, Matt, playing last year as a 15-year-old, going to Sectionals in Riverside and his team coming in fourth place. That was fantastic soccer.

Where we live in Temple City, it seems like every other family buys the fireworks (safe and sane or legal ones) from the local stand. On the night of July 4, we usually go walking up and down the neighborhood streets, watching everyone light off fireworks. It is a special night. As long as it is done under adult supervision, it can be a fun, memorable activity.
Here's to a safe Fourth to all!


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